Nillumbik Shire Council

Stat planning content audit, training, rewrite

Statutory planning is an important local government service. It can also be technical information that is hard to understand. 

We were asked to review and improve Nillumbik’s website planning content. Our goal – to help users to better understand planning and to help them get their application for a planning permit closer to ‘complete’. Everyone wins – less to-ing and fro-ing, less frustration, time saved.

Research and report

We talked and listened – to the accessibility champions, customer service and stat planning. We reviewed the content, and wrote a recommendations report.

Design and deliver training

With those findings we designed a customised online Writing for the web training course and delivered it to a group of their planners, customer service reps and comms people. 

Content rewrites

Finally, we paired up with topic experts to revise how-to, advice and checklist content about subdividing, heritage overlays, bushfire management, protecting native vegetation and more. The result was 75 web pages written for the user – easier to read, find, and use. We also wrote 5 video scripts.

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